Better Together

I have been a dreamer my entire life.
This chapter of my life brings my wildest dreams to life. My drawings come from a soulful place, full of colors, whimsy and personality that I never felt fully comfortable sharing until now. They are heartfelt, original and inspired by the things I love, admire or just find real joy in---like Girlfriends, Sea Turtles and Manatees.

Let's BUY ART and give it to those we love.

 What started out as a way to deal with profound sadness grew into an expression of the things that gave me great joy. I could not have gotten to this point without a tremendous amount of support and encouragement. I owe my creative perseverance to my sister (my favorite artist), my daughter, my FAVORITE Uncle (he will like that!), my closest friends (Oh I hope you know who you are!), the love of my life, Charlie and our amazing God. 
God has carried me on a river of faith when I could not carry myself.
Putting your creative efforts on display takes a crazy amount of something-something that looks and feels like courage, but is scary, raw and  needs to ignore your vulnerabilities to survive. It's a drive, but it is fueled by a spiritual push. There were times when I had nothing in reserve but FAITH.

Here I am and it feels raw.

Finally, If I can inspire other women to take a leap of faith, be authentic and find their flame, I will be forever humbled. Please contact me if you need encouragement to strike out on your own. I will share whatever I can to help you bring your creative gifts or passions to life.

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